Tuesday, August 23, 2011

O says...

Today we started our day by talking about our sense of hearing and reading the book "Polar Bear Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?". We moved into learning about the letter "O" and the sound that it makes. We rotated through our centers that we learned yesterday practicing writing/making our letter, looking it up in our picture dictionaries, gluing O cerel to the letter, and playing the game "Bang" to practice our sight words. Today was the first day we were able to do shared journal. This is our writing time that will occur everyday after specials (look for a note about this coming home soon!). Miss Wendy shared a story with us today so we could learn the routine for our journal time. Our friends did an excellent job asking questions to get all those juicy details and drawing a picture that captured them. Tomorrow we will do the writing portion of the story. After recess, we began our year-long study of Australia. We looked at a map of the world to determine where Australia is relative to where we live. We decided that an airplane would be our best method of transportation there, so we used a graphic organizer to record who of our friends have been on an airplane before and who have not. The names inside the cicle are friends who have been on an airplane and those on the outside have not. We can't wait to get started on research of how to build the airplane!!
I hope you enjoy looking at some of the pictures that describe our day!

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