Sunday, August 21, 2011

Busy Busy Busy!

The first week of school flew by and our friends were busy learning the routines of the classroom & building but also about each other. We focused on "All About Me" using different materials to write our names, discussing our favorite colors (which became our first class big book), graphing the number of people in our families, making paper doll versions of ourselves, and graphing our hair color.

To start off our week we read a book called "On My Very First Day of School I Met...". It was about a child who met a bunch of crazy looking monsters on her first day of school but the best part of all was that they met her too. The friends in our room get along so well already you'd think that they had known each other forever. So to go along with the story we made our own crazy monsters out of play dough, here are a few pictures to give you an idea.

Below are some pictures of our charts and graph we made last week! This week we will be talking about the 5 senses, beginning our Cindy Cupp reading program, and discussing our journey to Australia. Stay tuned for more updates!

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

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