Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Catch up time!

Since my last two posts did not have any pictures I figured it was time to catch up! We have been working so hard and I want to share with you some of our learning activities. One of our biggest focuses the last two weeks was number words. We have been practicing matching number words to their numeral in the mornings when we pick up our chair. Each chair has a number taped to the back. Our friends have to read a number word and find the matching chair with the correct numeral before playing our math games. Here is what it looks like when they complete this task in the morning!

We also have been practicing ordinal numbers. We took some time to go outside last week and practice lining up in order. Each friend received a random ordinal number card and they had to work together to line up from 1st to 10th.

I hope everyone enjoyed reading their child's journal. It is a huge accomplishment for our friends and they are so proud of their writing. Here is a picture of our friend Braden sharing today about his birthday last week and what he did to celebrate at home over the weekend. The sharing friend sits in my chair while our friends make a circle on the carpet so we can all see each other for the questions and discussion after sharing.

Our friends have been working very hard to learn the answers to our wonder questions about airplanes. We have been learning all of the different ways we can research answers to our questions and teaching our classmates what we learned. As soon as we are done researching we will begin construction of our airplane and airport! Below Matthew and Owen are teaching our friends about why there are TV's on an airplane.

These next two pictures are of proud friends at centers today. Luke C. and Braden completed this floor puzzel all by themselves and Cameron chose to do some writing while in art center! I love to see my friends feel so proud of their work!

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