Monday, October 31, 2011

Fall Centers

We had a wonderful time Friday afternoon celebrating fall centers! Our friends played pin the nose on the pumpkin, Halloween bingo, decorated coasters, felt inside mystery boxes for things like human eye balls and spider legs, and got their faces painted. To finish off our celebration we went outside and bobbed for doughnuts. Thank you to our room mom Mrs. Mercado for putting it all together for us and Mrs. Marker for coming in to help! Our friends had a blast! I hope you get as many laughs out of these photos as we did in person!

Here are a few other pictures of our friends working on Boo-mallow graphs, a jack-o-lantern glyph, decorating pumpkins from our field trip, and going on a leaf in order to prepare for fall centers!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Book Buddies

It's been a crazy last couple of weeks coordinating time with our book buddies with our field trip and book fair preview, but we were finally able to last week during one of our early release days. We got to go down to Mrs. Turner's 5th grade classroom to read our new books with our buddy. Here are some pictures of our friends sharing their love of reading!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

QU Wedding

"Here comes the Q, here comes the U, put them together and you get QU...qua qua qua qua, qua qua qua qua"

Tuesday was a very special day for our kindergarten classes, Q and U got married!! They promised to forever be together and form words like quiet, quick, and quack. There was a bride and groom from each of the eight classes who processed down the aisle and were married by our very own Mr. Phillips. Everyone dressed up for our celebration, we even had a reception with cake, punch, and dancing in our classroom afterwards! Check out the album for pictures from that memorable day!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pettit Creek Farms Field Trip

We had such a great time on field trip Friday! Thank you to those parents who braved the trek with us and made it that much more special. We visited Pettit Creek Farms where they took us on a hay ride to see their animals, pet and feed some goats and sheep, bounced in a bouncy house, walked through a corn maze, and visited with a 4 foot snake and a very large turtle. We will be drawing and writing about our field trip in our journals this week so look for that entry next time they come! Enjoy the album I've put together of our day, I hope it makes you feel like you were right there with us!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Meet our new friends...

We have some new friends in the classroom this Cindy Circle, Stephen Square, Rocky Rectangle, and Tommy Triangle!

I have some friends that I just have to brag on for a minute too. They have been working so hard in their journals this month sounding out the words on their own and writing their stories without any help. They are loving writing so much that they chose to write some stories during centers! I had to share these pictures with you because they are just as proud of their work as I am of them!

These friends were so excited about having put the puzzle together all by themselves that they asked me to take a picture for our blog!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Community Helpers Visit

Today was a very special day on the kindergarten hall. We had 5 community helpers come to visit! A nurse, a farmer, a soldier, a teacher, and policemen. We had a great time visiting with each guest and learning what they do to contribute to our community. I think the highlight of our afternoon was being able to pet the police horse and climb into the tank. Our friend Cole even got to practice lassoing a cow!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Catch up time!

Since my last two posts did not have any pictures I figured it was time to catch up! We have been working so hard and I want to share with you some of our learning activities. One of our biggest focuses the last two weeks was number words. We have been practicing matching number words to their numeral in the mornings when we pick up our chair. Each chair has a number taped to the back. Our friends have to read a number word and find the matching chair with the correct numeral before playing our math games. Here is what it looks like when they complete this task in the morning!

We also have been practicing ordinal numbers. We took some time to go outside last week and practice lining up in order. Each friend received a random ordinal number card and they had to work together to line up from 1st to 10th.

I hope everyone enjoyed reading their child's journal. It is a huge accomplishment for our friends and they are so proud of their writing. Here is a picture of our friend Braden sharing today about his birthday last week and what he did to celebrate at home over the weekend. The sharing friend sits in my chair while our friends make a circle on the carpet so we can all see each other for the questions and discussion after sharing.

Our friends have been working very hard to learn the answers to our wonder questions about airplanes. We have been learning all of the different ways we can research answers to our questions and teaching our classmates what we learned. As soon as we are done researching we will begin construction of our airplane and airport! Below Matthew and Owen are teaching our friends about why there are TV's on an airplane.

These next two pictures are of proud friends at centers today. Luke C. and Braden completed this floor puzzel all by themselves and Cameron chose to do some writing while in art center! I love to see my friends feel so proud of their work!

Box Tops Drive

The box tops drive has been extended until October 14th! Please continue to send your box tops in a bag labeled with your child's name, Norris, and KK. A letter will be coming home today with a list of products that you can find box tops on. Also, you can go to and register with our school and classroom. There you will find updated information regarding how much our school has raised. Also, you can earn box tops by shopping online, more information can be found at Thanks for your help and hopefully we can win that pizza party!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Community Helpers

Beginning this past week we are spending two weeks learning all about community helpers. As with American Symbols we chose to emerse ourselves on Friday in learning all about Firemen, Policemen, Teachers, and Bakers. We watched a great video on BrainPop Jr (I wish I could share the link but it is not a free one and you need a login to have access!) to begin our exploration and read several books after that. I wish I had pictures to share with you but we were just so busy I completely forgot to take the camera out! Our friends made firemen pattern hats, policeman puppets, pretended we were bakers with playdough and cookie cutters, and were teachers helping friends learn how to tie shoes. This week on Friday we will be learning about Farmers, Mail Carriers, Nurses/Doctors, and Soliders. We also will be having parents come in to share about their job as a community helper Thurday afternoon. These volunteers include a policeman, soldier, farmer, teacher, and nurse.

A few important notes:

*Please spend some time reading your child's journal with them. They have worked so hard since the first day of school and are very excited to share them with you. We have been collaborating on the writing process so far but I'm very excited this week for them to begin to write on their own. This is the time where they need your support and encouragement as it is not an easy task.

*Book fair preview is this Friday for our class. Your child will have a chance to walk around the book fair and create a wish list. I will be keeping these wish lists for when we visit the book fair the following week (10/10-10/14) should you choose to send in money.

*Please be sure to send in your conference time form, I will do my best to honor your request.

*Oct. 14th is our trip to Pettit Farms. Please turn in your field trip permission form as soon as possible along with payment.

*Oct. 18th will be our QU wedding. Invites will be coming home in a few weeks so be on the look out!

***I have added a new tab on the top right side of our blog! This is where you will find descriptions of how we learn. There is information regarding the different learning processes our students experience in the classroom. I hope this helps you to better understand our structure and the learning enviornment of room 270!***