Sunday, September 21, 2014

Australian Visitors

We had a very special surprise this week. A friend in Mrs. Cox's room has family friends who actually live in Australia! They came to our school this past week and shared with us some words that are different in Australia as well as answered our many questions. We love hearing their accent and getting to meet them!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Reptiles it is!

We have decided on studying the rainforest first now that we are in Australia. We explored the different types of animals found in rainforest and decided that we wanted to learn about reptiles first. We took a vote on which type of reptile: a snake, a dragon, a spotted tree monitor, a gecko, and frogs just for fun. Our friends chose to study snakes first. We looked at six different kinds of snakes and voted to study the Amethystine Python. I have attached our voting list so you can see how overwhelming the vote was! My guess is because it can grow up to 28 feet long! We are excited to begin researching all about this type of snake and building a life size one ourselves next week!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Australia Flight

We made it! We are currently in Australia for the remainder of the school year after a successful flight on Friday. The students worked so hard to learn about the different parts of an airport and worked together to make the flight possible. Check out some of the pictures of our class, Mrs. Cox's class, and Miss Stoddard's class during the flight!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Pizza and Packing

Friday was a special day in our classroom because not only did we get to have pizza and cupcakes for lunch, but we packed our suitcases for Australia! We made sure to pack toothpaste and a toothbrush, clothes, snacks, and much more. Check out the pictures below to see our progress. This week we will be in charge of building the security for the airport while three other first grade classes build air traffic control, the airplane, and take of the grounds crew jobs. We will be taking flight this coming Friday afternoon!