Monday, May 21, 2012

End of the Year Program

Thank you so much for attending our end of the year program this morning. Our friends were so excited to show off their new songs and spend time with you in our classroom. I can't believe the end of the year is here and it makes me so sad but I know that they are ready for first grade and I'm so excited to see them excel and grow. Thank you parents for all you have done this year supporting our learning. It means the world to me and to them. Click on the link below to view our pictures!

Eric Carle Author Study

I could not help but share these with y'all! We have been working on an Eric Carle author study the last two weeks and one of the books we read was "The Grouchy Ladybug". We made our best grouchy faces and put them on the bodies of ladybugs (I hope y'all got to read their writing when the ladybugs came home as well). Their grouchy faces made my day so I wanted to share them so you could enjoy them too!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Field Day

We had a wonderful time at field day on Wednesday! Thank you to all the parents who came out to support us and made that day so special for our friends. Click the link to enjoy some pictures from our fun day!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Valentine's Day, Dentist Visit, Ramps, and Read Across America Day!

First up...Valentine's Day! We had a blast celebrating Valentine's Day all week. We read books about love, friendship, and Valentine's, used hearts to help us practice our money skills and graphing, as well as love monsters to help us practice reading CVC words and non-sense words. Here is a slideshow of us opening our Valentine's boxes and reading our cards.

Dentist Visit
We had the wonderful opportunity for a local dentist to come visit our kindergarten friends. She brought with her a giant mouth and toothbrush to show us how to brush our teeth. We talked about flossing and what teeth are made of too. She was so sweet and even brought us goody bags to take home!

This past week we put aside shared reading and focused on learning about physical knowledge. We wanted to understand how gravity works as well as motion (push and pull on objects). To achieve this, I challened our friends to build the best ramps possible to make their ball roll at the fastest speed and the farthest across the floor. The first day they simply experimented with the materials and worked as a team to build their best ramp. The next day, I put all different size, shape, and weight balls in their buckets. It was the students job to figure out which one worked best on their ramp and why. The third day, the students were given felt and sandpaper to add to their ramp to see if different surfaces and friction would change their results (we only used one type of ball as our control). The fourth day, their challenge was to pick the surface they thought worked best and change the height of the ramp to see which height gave the best results. We had a lot of fun experimenting together and I think my friends enjoyed taking the learning into their own hands, they were in charge!

Read Across America Day
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! Friday was our school's celebration of Read Across America so our goal was to read as much as possible all day long! We started our morning by having several parents and grandparents come visit and read to our class. In between visitors our friends shared about the book character they dressed up as and why while telling everyone about the book. We visited the library to check out new books, met with our book buddies to do some more reading, and got together with a first grade class to read some tongue twisters from one of Dr. Seuss's books. I even joined in and dressed up as Hooey the book reading parrot from Dr. Seuess' "Oh Say Can You Say?"! Everyone had a great time and we will continue the celebration this week by doing reading as many Dr. Seuss books as possible and incorporating him in all of our learning.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

100th Day of School

We made it! January 24th was officially our 100th day of school. We celebrated by making a crown and 100 style glasses, eating a trail mix of 100 pieces of snack, counted by 10's to 100, made 10 groups of 10 pictures, painted 100 gumballs, wrote what we would want 100 of, buy for $100, and look like when we are 100 years old. As you can see we were very busy and to end our day we watched part of 101 Dalmations. To prepare for this day though, our friends practiced counting to 100 at home by making a special project to share with everyone. Check out our pictures and how creative our friends were with this project!

Fun in Centers

My friends have been working hard constructing puzzels, rollercoasters, boats out of connecting cubes, and villages in block center. They are so very proud and ask me all the time to take their picture so here is a sneak peak of some of our centers.

Sea Turtle Expert Visit

We are currently wrapping up our study on the Leatherback Sea Turtle but before we were finished we asked a sea turtle expert from the University of Georgia to come speak to us. While researching we learned that you cannot always find everything in a book or on the computer, sometimes you have to ask an expert. Dr. Maerz was wonderful, he even brought live turtles for us to hold! There were too many pictures to choose from that I decided a link to the album would be the best way to include them all. I hope you enjoy, just click below! We will be moving on to the rainforest next!

Celebrating the new year!

When we returned for school after winter break we rang in the new year kindergarten style! We started off by making party hats and decided we would have our own count down from 10. When we reached zero we all popped bubble wrap (we agreed it sounded a lot like the fireworks some of us heard that night). We then decided to make our own fireworks and write about what we did to celebrate New Years Eve.


I know it has been a while but our holiday performance and party pictures are finally here! Enjoy!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Time to make like a tomato and ketchup!

Happy New Year! We are off to a great start in 2012. I am so amazed how mature my friends have come back after break and are ready for anything. There is quite a bit to catch up on and I know it will not all fit in this post. Since getting new laptops at school, I have a had a hard time finding our print screen button to show you our webs and other information but I FINALLY found it! So first off I'd like to show you our hammerhead shark we finished before Christmas. We spent a lot of time researching and developing our KWL (Know, Want to know, and Learned) as well as building our shark. Keep in mind it was all done by five year olds so use your imagination to help see the shark! He is currently swimming from our ceiling.

After finishing our hammerhead shark we were full force into Christmas. Over a few weeks we had a Christmas Around the World rotation and an Ornament rotation. We also had a pajama, hot chocolate, and Polar Express day. I have put together a slideshow so you can experience it with us. It also includes the last day before winter break's school Christmas sing-along. Since my camera battery died the day of our party, our wonderful room mom took all the pictures. As soon as I have those I will post them!

I hope everyone had a wonderful break!